Category Archives: artikel dalam English

Health Business on the Internet

According to Paul Zane Pilzer, one of the famous business consultants, entrepreneur, he said health basically business is kind of business that make trillion dollars. Internet business is also growing significantly. What about if health business is combined with internet business? It will become a big business, because the market is global. You can reach international market. One of some health online business is online pharmacy on the internet. And one of the best online foreign pharmacy I found on the internet is Medsindia.

Through internet, you can order and buy medicine online from online Pharmacy. suppose, we had trouble finding drugs in our area, with the online pharmacy then we will be able to find a drug that we need in MedsIndia. How about the quality and guarantee? Dont worry, all medicine and drugs provided in MedsIndia are manufactured pharmaceutical companies in India and are identical to their US counterparts. MedsIndia itself has been operating in the pharmaceutical market since 2000 and their products meet all FDA Standards. What the other advantage? This online pharmacy provides not only high quality medicine, but the price is not as expensive as in Europe and US with the same quality.

With the online pharmacy, you order and then your prescription medicine will be delivered through international shipping directyl to your home. This health business is spreading globally through internet. Whether you need medicine or you want to be a medicine distributor, MedsIndia could be one of your health resource.

Why I choose Gold as one of my investment

Recently, there are more people talks about gold. Since inflation rises, having a lot of money in deposits, become not so benefit for financial security or investment. I think Gold will be good for investing, besides stocks and property. Gold has been popular since our ancestors, as a symbol of wealth and pride. How many gold someone have symbolizes his wealth and status in public. The wealth of a kingdom or country is also measured by the number of gold deposits that belongs to. Gold is a symbol of pride and wealth.

As one of investing tools, Gold has lower risk than other I think. In moneter crisis, paper money values decline because of inflation. But Gold proves that it has zero inflation. The value of Gold even increase many times. Gold is also easily bought and sold. Individual person can buy gold or buy gold coin when they need it without having complicated transaction. They can buy it anywhere and anytime, whether for pride or for investment.

Nowadays, people were even able to buy gold online. The best online directory to buy gold bullion, buy gold coin is Just take a look at this, you will find various of gold, with luxury design. This is the right directory when you want to buy bullion. So, dont doubt anymore, You purchase gold bullion, then You will have the pride, secure financial future and the wealth with Gold from

SSstt…Ada Rahasia dari Brian Tracy! Tolong rahasia ini disebarluaskan:-)

Ehmmm… Saya mau kasih tau beberapa rahasia pada anda, tolong jangan tidak dikasih tau ke siapa pun, karena ini rahasia. Jadi yang namanya rahasia, dibuat, diciptakan,sengaja untuk dibongkar, agar terungkap sama KPK. Rahasia ini sudah terkubur begitu lama pada saya, karena saya lupa menyimpan CD audionya dimana, jadi baru hari ini saya ungkapkan rahasia ini pada umum. Semoga KPK (Komisi Pembongkaran Kerahasiaan, hehe…). Ini karena blog sharing motivasi dan inspirasi, kumpulan cerita bijak, kumpulan cerita motivasi Indonesia ataupun Luar dan kata-kata motivasi, kata-kata mutiara, sharing bisnis, jadi KPK di sini beda dengan KPK di luar sana. Jadi Rahasia sukses ini terbongkar sudah hari ini, setelah lama terpendam.. Rahasia Sukses dari seorang yang bernama Brian Tracy, yang memulai karirnya dulu dengan hutang, hidup susah, namun akhirnya berhasil menjadi millionaire. Berikut 21 Rahasia Sukses yang terungkap : Continue reading SSstt…Ada Rahasia dari Brian Tracy! Tolong rahasia ini disebarluaskan:-)

Total Success!

Total Success is Determined by Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Actions
By Dr. Joe Capista

Many people say they want success, yet they are not willing to do what it takes to achieve their desired outcome. I am a believer in Total Success. Total Success requires more then a successful business and a great income. Total Success is about having a balanced life, giving back and enjoying what you do.

In order to achieve Total Success there are specific thoughts and beliefs you must have. There are also certain actions you must take.

Success in anything goes beyond the obvious. Although you need a certain amount of skill and knowledge, your successes will come from the way you think, feel and act, coupled with intense emotion and a steadfast belief in “self.”
Continue reading Total Success!